Our Sessions

Rainbow Early Years 

Our family inclusive Rainbow Early Years (REY) is a ‘stay and play’ session for children under 6 years old. Advice and support is available from a SEND practitioner from Hummingbirds SEN service. 



Family Inclusive Play 

Our Family Inclusive Play (FIP) is a ‘stay and play’ session for children 5-12 years. Advice and support is available for parent carers and a range of activities are run for the children and young people.


Trent Autism Parent Support 

Trent Autism Parent Support (TAPS) is a friendly and informal group of parent carers who meet to chat about issues regarding our children / young people with autism and their associated needs.


Befriending Social Group 

Our Befriending Social Group (BSG) is for 12-25 years and meets once a month at our base or in the community. The group has a varied programme of activities.


Parent to Parent 

Our Parent to Parent (P2P) sessions are opportunities to meet other parent carers with children or young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), providing peer support to each other and reducing isolation.


Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Friends 

FASD Friends is a support group for families who have children with FASD. Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the most common, non-genetic cause of learning disability and a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition.  

Leaflet                 Resources

Session dates

Booking is essential

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